My bed is the only real major downfall. It's only about 3 inches off the ground. I'm thinking about buying a new one. Like I said, everything here is fun sized!
The bathroom is also a little strange. There's no distinction between the shower and bathroom. They are the one in the same. So, it's difficult to keep anything in the bathroom dry.
Notice how it looks like Hello Kitty barfed all over the apartment? That's Korea. I kind of love it.
I'm pleased with my apartment. I didn't expect to have a separate bathroom, laundry room, kitchen/living area, and bedroom. I need to do some furniture shopping, but that's miniscule. I'm just so happy it's clean. I took these pictures before I did any unpacking, so I've since done t quite a bit of shopping and rearranging. I'll try to upload pictures of the finished project!
The best thing about my apartment is it's less than a 10 minute walk to the school I'll be teaching and the subway. You can't ask for much more than that.